Hi there, welcome to my new blog. You may have read some of my posts on tanjadebie.nl or ihavesomanyideas.com, or other websites from my elaborate ecosystem. I started blogging in 2006 and started quite a few websites along the way, some as a solo project and some as a collaboration.
In 2019 I had a content meltdown. I abandoned every website and social media platform because I lost my appetite for sharing. After many years of lifelogging and content sharing, I was empty. Burned out.
When the pandemic hit in 2020, content production around me exploded, and people became very loud. It made my aversion to participating even bigger. So I stopped participating and remained silent for the most part.
But there was just one thing… I love to write and share.
So I started a secret project. And after a while, I started another project: a reboot of my pet project bikeblog.nl. This kickstarted my drive to write even more, but I needed a place where it all would make sense again. Or perhaps I just needed my own permission to start over and leave some of the baggage of the past behind (or in the trash).
Either way, here I am. Glad you’ve found your way here, thanks for reading. As always, you are amazing. You know that right?!